How to Run Faster

Jogging Tips for the Young and
for the Healthy over 40

It is really not hard to learn how to run faster, whatever your age.

There are 4 basic things you need to do ...


The advice on this page and its links is for those who are healthy and fit! Follow the warning advice on this page, and get a physical from a competent doctor before you begin an exercise program!

If you're out of shape, go to How to Start Jogging.

  1. Intervals
  2. Tempo runs
  3. Long runs
  4. Pliometrics

Each of these should be done once per week, and the other days should be easy.

My schedule, for example, used to look like this:

Miscellaneous Other Items

This web site is not about my being a running coach, though I could be one. This web site is directed at out-of-shape, over-40 people who want to start a fitness program and know how to stick with it.

So there's some how to run faster tips that I can't cover here. I will mention them, but I want to emphasize ...

You can build great speed and endurance with just the four items mentioned above ...

  • Intervals
  • Tempo runs
  • Long, slow distance
  • Pliometrics

In fact, I knew a guy who ran a marathon (26.2 miles) in under 3 hours while training just three days a week, doing one interval training day, one tempo run, and one long run. That's under 7 minutes per mile for 26 miles on 3 days of training. This method works!!!

Every effective long-distance training program is roughly based on this method.

That said, I read once that many long distance runners like to do their tempo day on Saturday, then work out the soreness on their long day on Sunday.

I liked that, so I did it, but I made sure, then, that my hard day on Thursday was not a very hard day. I did what is known as fartlek, or speed play (fart - speed, lek - play). I made sure I didn't overdo it, but that it was only a medium day. Especially since I was over 40 at the time, I did not want to get injured by overtraining.

Proceeding from Here

If you have read this far, don't stop now. Make sure you read the pages on stretching, warming up, and avoiding injury.

You can access all these pages from the main fitness page.